mbwin system
MBWin has modules for current accounts, savings accounts, time deposits, share accounts, and loan accounts that interface with the general ledger module (GL) and the contact information module (CIF). This results in a robust, integrated system. The centralized CIF module maintains comprehensive information on corporate and individual customers, guarantors, and signatories, and it has additional features for specialized microfinance operators that deploy group methodologies.

MBWin offers a classic user-friendly menu structure as well as a set of speed buttons for quick access to the most common functions. The built-in reports will meet the basic internal and external reporting requirements of most financial organizations. The built-in report generator allows users to custom-build reports to meet user-specific requirements. MBWin is the successor of the widely used DOS-based MicroBanking System and has inherited some of the best features of the DOS system, notably the Configurator and Product Generator. Both features have been enhanced and made more user-friendly.
- MBWin Features
System Security and Access Control In addition to the security built into the SQL Server, MBWin protects each record in the database with a unique hash key that prevents modification of the record from outside of the MBWin system. Teller access is enabled by the pre-authorization of tellers. Each teller is identified by a three-character teller number and a password of at least six characters. Once having access to the system, a teller’s access to functionalities within the system is controlled by user-defined roles. A teller can be assigned one or more roles. This design allows the system administrator complete flexibility to assign specific functions to specific tellers.
- Customer Orientation
MBWin is a customer-orientated system that places the customer and other banks “contacts in the center of the system. The other applications, savings, current accounts, time deposits, loans, and share accounts are associated with contacts through any number of relationships. Any customer can be the primary owner of any number of accounts. But vice-versa, any account can be held by any number of customers and can be linked to any number of other contacts such as signatories or guarantors. Unique for a banking system, MBWin also allows the maintenance of user-defined relationships between any number of contacts. Individuals can be related to one another, for example, a spouse or relative. Individuals can be related to corporate customers and identified as shareholders or directors of one or more corporate clients. This will enable commercial banks to analyses their exposure to groups of individuals and their related corporations or conglomerates.
- Microfinance Group Features
The customer orientation and customer relationship facilities enable MBWin to offer powerful features for Microfinance institutions that use various group methodologies. “Multi-level groups” can be set up with a loan officer at the top of the hierarchy, followed by, for example, centers, then groups and even subgroups, and finally members. Accounts can be owned by any of the levels in the hierarchy. This allows for the creation of an extremely flexible administrative, monitoring and tracking system. MicroBanker Nepal has developed a Tablet banking app that integrates with the Microfinance group feature and helps Loan Officer to Disburse loan, Collect Repayments, preview account details, and many more.
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The multi-level group hierarchy is linked with the MBWin transaction processor in such a way that the system can be configured to auto-generate batches of loan repayments and (compulsory) savings deposits. These can be used as so-called “collection sheets” when making center visits to groups of customers and, afterwards in the branch, for exceptional posting of large numbers of transactions in an extremely efficient way. Lowering of transaction costs and improved staff productivity, as well as the provision of a powerful monitoring capability, are the main benefits.
- Application and Transaction Features
MBWin has a number of facilities to generate automatic transactions between the various application modules. This includes standard ones, such as standing orders and interest transfers from time deposits to other applications, and more unusual ones such as auto-recoveries from deposit accounts to credit loans for installments due. For microfinance operators with field collections, it also has facilities to automatically credit so-called “surplus payments” – loan repayments in excess of the amount required to close an account – to a deposit account of the same customer.
- Application Modules and General Ledger
The five application modules (savings, current accounts, time deposits, loans, and share accounts) can be licensed separately so that you only pay for the modules that you need. The GL system is integrated with the other applications so that at the end of each day the GL accounts are updated with the application transactions for that day. A daily trial balance is produced, and a balance sheet and profit and loss statement can be generated optionally. The Product Generator allows most common products to be designed quickly and easily. Loan products may have a large variety of installment schedules ranging from weekly to annually, with options for penalty interest and charges.
- Language Support
A translation utility is available to translate MBWin to other languages. Languages currently available are Arabic, Dari, English, French, Indonesian (2 versions – Indonesian and East Timor), Laotian, Latvian, Pashtu, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, and Thai.
- Budget Module
A budget is a set of interlinked plans that quantitatively describe an entity’s projected future operations. A budget is used to measure actual operating results, for the allocation of funding, and as a plan for future operations.